Fluorite Palm Stone – 1pc

1,500.00 including GST

Earn up to 150 points.

🔸️Steers the fine path between attainable dreams & illusions.

🔸️For self-defeating behaviour & constantly comparing oneself unfavourably with others.

🔸️Reduces jealousy through insecurity& lack of self-love.

🔸️Counteracts the tendency of caring people to give the coat off their back to every hard-luck story they come across.

🔸️Carry if you are naturally gentle & spiritual to direct intellect and effort into tangible achievements.

🔸️Ideal for young people who are reluctant to begin a career from the bottom.

🔸️At workplace helps dreamy gentle souls gain commercial sense without sacrificing their spiritual nature. For anyone setting up in self-employment to avoid being too ambitious at first.

🔸️Wear or carry, if you find it hard to organize your thoughts or produce specifically defined results because your imagination takes off.

🔸️Keep in the workplace or in organizing ventures where cooperation is needed.

🔸️Yellow Fluorite enhances creativity & stabilizes group energy. It is particularly helpful for cooperative endeavors. It supports intellectual activities.

🔸️A crystal to hold when you need to come up with a plausible excuse to avoid an event you are dreading.

🔸️Good for paranormal investigations to maintain objectivity without sacrificing intuition.

🔸️May relieve problems with cholesterol, liver, stomach, intestinal blockages or growths, stomach-stapling operations, cosmetic surgery, DNA, arthritis, rheumatism, spine, bones, teeth particularly wisdom teeth & gum health, shingles.
⚠️Do not immerse in soil, water or salt water.

⚠️Do not consume as direct elixirs.

👉Cleanse with sound, sage smoke or reiki.

👉Energize under sunlight or daylight & full moon light.

⚠️Note that healing crystals are spiritual supports to healing &are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

⚠️Crystals are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement & enhance it.

⚠️This information is purely metaphysical in nature & is by no means medical.

⚠️By using this site & associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

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