Rare Tanzanite Bracelet – Round 8mm – 1pc

6,600.00 including GST

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💙Blue to blue-violet, a variety of zoisite, discovered in 1967 at the foot of Mt Kilimanjato, Tanzania, Tanzanite is rare and becoming rarer.
💜It is one of the most valuable of all metaphysical stones. It is an excellent crystal if you’re beginning to explore your psychic powers.
💙It is very protective and enables your brow chakra to open gradually so you’re not overwhelmed by psychic impressions.
💜Integrates the energies of heart and mind, helping one remain centered in the heart’s wisdom while evaluating the ideas of the activated mind.
💙Makes heart’s prompting more noticeable to the mind.
💜Helps to bring out your other side. If you’re normally serious, you’ll discover your fun side.
💙If there seems to be no solution to a problem, it will help reveal one.
💜Good for career changes.
💙Connects with passed on souls(esp. In early days after bereavement)
💜Calms and soothes an overactive mind. It is good for adults to overcome communication difficulties.
💙One finds it easier to speak their heart’s truth.
💜Strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body, improves vitality, promotes regeneration of cells, skin, and hair, preserves youthfulness, and protects against the side effects of medicines or surgical interventions. Calms overactive thyroid and exhausted adrenal.
💙One of the synergy stones like Moldavite, Danburite, Tibetan Tektite, etc.
💜Harmonizes well with Larimar, Charoite, and Ruby in Zoisite.
💙Wearing a Tanzanite brings one’s consciousness to a permanently higher state.

Chakra – Crown, Third eye, Throat

⚠️Do not bury in garden soil, or use salt water for cleansing.
⚠️Do not consume as direct elixirs.
👉Cleanse with selenite or sound or sage smoke, or reiki.
👉Energize under daylight weekly and full moonlight.

⚠️Crystals are spiritual supports to healing & are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉They are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement & enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical and by no means medical.
👉By using this site & associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

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