Raindrop Azurite K2 Crystal with Silver

3,000.00 including GST

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💙With its silvery gray colour marked with perfectly circular blue orbs, the K2 crystal has an almost otherworldly appearance.
💙K-2 opens and unlocks our third eye and crown chakra.
💙This stone helps strengthen the third eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) and assist in the opening of the crown chakra.
💙When our crown becomes open, endless amounts of higher knowledge soon begin to spiral down within us.
💙The third eye connection to the crown is vital at this point, and aids in “seeing” what this knowledge truly means.
💙Placing a piece of K-2 on your third eye while meditating to help strengthen it
💙 If you begin to feel comfortable enough and attuned after multiple sessions, you can place a high-frequency stone such as Iceland Spar (Clear Calcite), or a Herkimer Diamond on the top of your head. Doing so will access very high vibrations, energies, and messages from angelic beings.
💙Breathe in its healing vibes, asking it to guard you while you sleep by protecting you from nightmares and giving you insight into the fascinating dream world of the unconscious mind.
💙During your healing sessions, sit quietly with the stone and give it an intention, which programs it to support and promote all of your dreams.

Image is of the actual product

⚠️Do not immerse in water or salt water.
⚠️Do not consume as elixirs.
👉Cleanse with sound, sage smoke or reiki
👉Energize under daylight and full moon light

⚠ Note that healing crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉Crystals are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement and enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical.
👉By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

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