🧡Orange/Pink and Green, Unakite is a stone of vision.
💚It opens the Third Eye and promotes visualizations and psychic vision, if kept on the third eye.
🧡Also, it provides grounding when needed.
💚A bowl of unakite tumbles brings calms energy and negates the effects of emf if kept near gadgets.
🧡Facilitates rebirthing, bringing light and integrating insights from the past about the cause of blockages.
💚Unakite sends relief to the root of a health problem. Helps in past life healing.
🧡Helps to release deep-rooted emotions in a slow and gentle way.
💚Eases long-standing addictions and phobias.
🧡Good for dreamy children or anyone who finds it hard to remain in the reality of the here and now.
💚A good luck crystal when you must take a risk.
🧡If you have trouble finding things, keep a unakite.💚Aids fertility, gealthy pregnancy, heart function, circulation, hair growth, skin, metabolism, hyperventilation, and breathing irregularities, eases the transition during labor, and is useful for fussy eaters.
🧡Wear Unakite to aid conception.
💚The crystal of happy, long-lasting relationships.It encourages harmonious partnerships(love or business). It is especially useful if you work in a small workplace with family or friends where happy interactions are important.
🧡It is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a bag, sealed as a commitment symbol. Replace on anniversaries and show the old crystal and yarrow into running water.
Chakra – heart, solar plexus, sacral
⚠️Do not bury in garden soil, or use salt water for cleansing.
⚠️Do not consume as direct elixirs.
👉Cleanse with water/sound/sage smoke, or reiki.
👉Energize under sunlight weekly and full moonlight.
⚠️It’s important to understand that crystals are not magical, nor do they produce miracles.
⚠️Crystals are spiritual supports to healing & are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉They are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement & enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical and by no means medical.
👉By using this site & associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.
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