Petrified wood crystal bracelet – 1pc

1,500.001,600.00 including GST

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🔸️Banded or shades of brown, grey, red, green, orange, white or fawn, wood that comes from fossilized trees in which the wood is replaced over millions of years by minerals, usually Manganese, Iron, Copper, Aragonite, Quartz or Agate.
🔸️Petrified wood offers ancient wisdom and insight to access past lives through regression.
🔸️A stone of transformation, to let go of what no longer works in our lives while preserving what is still of value, especially relationships/friendships.
🔸️Provides invaluable protection and grounds your energies, especially after a healing work.
🔸️Gives courage to begin in a new direction when a career change is needed or after redundancy or enforced retirement.
🔸️Supports soul during challenges and tribulations of spiritual evolution and reveals soul- gifts.
🔸️Helps you to worry less, instils wisdom to either serenly accept things you cannot change or make possible changes.
🔸️Heals relationships that cannot be put right because the partner who hurt and abused you has died.
🔸️Helps you to recall fond memories of deceased relations or connect positively through dreams or unmistakable signs of their presence (when they’re your spirit guides)
🔸️Heals blocked ancestral genetic memory or if a disorder has been manifested by de-energizing the old memory with new.
🔸️Relieves back and hip pain, strengthens bones and skeletal alignment, helps immunity, illness that is difficult to diagnose or treat, progressive or periodically recurring illnesses, mobility, aging, allergies.

Chakra – Sacral, Root

⚠️Do not use garden soil, or salt water to cleanse.
⚠️Do not consume as direct elixirs.
👉Cleanse with plain tap water/sound vibration/sage smoke, or reiki.
👉Energize under sunlight/full moonlight.

⚠️It’s important to understand that crystals are not magical, nor do they produce miracles.
⚠️They are spiritual supports to healing & are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉They are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement & enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical.
👉By using this site & associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

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