Rose quartz Mandarin ducks pair on a Green Aventurine leaf for everlasting love

2,000.00 including GST

Rose quartz Mandarin Ducks
Green Aventurine Leaf
Weight-42g(leaf),62 gms (ducks)

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💗In traditional Chinese culture, mandarin ducks are believed to be lifelong couples, unlike other species of ducks.
💗A mandarin duck symbol is also used in Chinese weddings because in traditional Chinese lore, they symbolize wedded bliss and fidelity.
💗These two Mandarin Ducks are made of Rose Quartz crystal and the lotus leaf is made of Green Aventurine. The Mandarin Ducks alone are a potent love charm, but the use of the love stone Rose Quartz to make them simply increase its potency by many folds over!
The Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and Green Aventurine is a stone for harmony and good luck.
💗The presence of mandarin ducks near you fosters a loving environment where heartaches are lessened and mutual support between partners is encouraged.
💗They’re also great for improving your love luck as a single person looking for a mate. Their presence is said to lessen chances of divorce, infidelity and other types of marital or romantic distress.
💗Here are some feng shui placements for a pair of mandarin duck:
💗Place the mandarin ducks in the southwest direction to support your loving relationship, pursuit of a partner or marriage. This placement is said to stabilize or attract a joyous relationship for many, many years.
💗Place a pair of mandarin ducks by your bedside for married couples. This is said to encourage the strength and endurance of your bond and discourages the potential of external circumstances to harm your connection with one another.
💗Place the two mandarin ducks beside your bed facing one another if you are single and trying to attract a partner. This is believed to aide in summoning a worthy and devoted partner to join you in life.
💗Loosely tie a red string around the neck of your mandarin ducks to symbolize “tying the knot.” This is said to prevent infidelities and philandering of either husband or wife. It will foster loyalty, helping you and your partner to stay together and secure in your bond.
Image is of the actual product
62 gms (ducks pair)
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