Crazy lace agate crescent – 1pc

5,100.00 including GST


4.5 inches

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💠White, with layers of creamy browns, blacks, & greys. Some may include layers of yellow ochre, gold, scarlet, & red. Also called the Earth’s Rainbow/ Laughter Stone/ Happy Lace.
💠Associated with sunny Mexican fiestas & dancing & brings joy to those who wear it.
💠It is not a stone of protection but of support, encouragement, & optimism.
💠Its graceful design, in random lacy patterns, creates a circular flow of energy.
💠It promotes mental agility, liveliness, & variety. Encourages flexibility in thinking & action.
💠Promotes fun & laughter at a party.
💠In the workplace, it unites people usually restricted to their own areas without direct communication.
💠Helps overcome the fear of spiders & crawling insects. Associated with the web of fate, it is useful when ghost hunting or visiting very old places to prevent sudden fears or negative vibes, but allowing you to see past worlds & spirits.
💠Improves tissue metabolism, elasticity of blood vessel walls, & prevents varicose veins.
💠Helps overcome depression & despair, elevating thoughts & attitudes. It is uplifting & increases self-esteem.
💠Absorbs emotional pain, especially when worn as jewelry over the heart or throat.
💠Stabilizes the aura, eliminating & transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels.
💠Considered symbolical of the Third Eye, our center of perception and consciousness. It controls the energy flow of the body & is the source of our ideas, dreams, & visions.
💠White layers denote cleanliness, purity, unity, & innocence. It is the colour of natural cycles, birth, & regeneration.
💠The silver layers embody the silver ray of reflection & the path to inner consciousness.
💠The brown layers bring connection with the natural world. It is the colour influence of home, hearth, & nature. It helps you relax, reconnect, & regain your composure. It is a grounding stone.
💠The thin black layers deepen your connection to the natural world, relieving fears specifically associated with the physical existence here on Earth. It offers protection and a retreat.
💠The scarlet energy brings victory, vitality, vigilance & willpower.

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