
Copper Coil Crystal Quartz Pyramid Energy Generator with tourmaline protection pyramid

Original price was: ₹4,000.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00. including GST

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Copper Coil Crystal Quartz Pyramid Energy Generator with 4 Black Tourmaline pyramids

🔼Thisl grid generator immediately starts working in the area kept, approximately 3 to 10 meter radius, it transmutes negative energy to positive energy. Great tool for vastu dosh or fengshui disparity.
🔼Very effective. The energy is so strong that you can feel even if you hold it.
🔼Copper can stimulate the flow of energy & hence move psychic energies, thereby helping the user overcome lethargic tendencies, resulting in a more vitalized person with amplified thoughts.
🔼Pyramids harness higher level, vibrational energies.
🔼Quartz in the center helps you to be receptive to higher guidance.
🔼Amplifies, focuses, stores, transforms, and energizes.
🔼Perfect for focusing affirmations and prayers.
🔼Stimulates psychic perception.
🔼Improved results in telepathy between 2 specific individuals when a pair of copper grids are used.
🔼Each individual should have their own specific piece of copper that is used as an antenna or focusing wand when attempting telepathy.
▪️Black tourmaline pyramids at the 4 corners help with grounding, protection, good luck, purifying, helps fear, anger, guilt, cleanses energy field.

▪️The energy of the crystals, the geometric pattern, and your intention all work as one energy towards a common goal. The grids assist your energetic body/space in tuning your vibrational frequency to allow that which is your intention to physically manifest. When you are in vibrational alignment with your desires and intentions, deep healing & manifestation occur!

▪️Find a space to place your grid.
• Place any objects or names near your grid that you would like to charge with sacred crystal vibrational energy.
• Activate your grid by stating and feeling your intentions of your affirmation
• Super-charge your grid by visualizing your intentions
• Allow your frequency and your grid’s frequency to align

Image is of the actual product

Length – 5″ x 5″
Quartz Pyramid – 1″
Black Tourmaline pyramids-0.75″
Wt- 120g approx

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