About Us

Moksa is the place to buy minerals, semiprecious and precious stones, healing crystals and other products that help in healing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.Gems and Minerals transform all kinds of negative energies into positive energies and help attract health, wealth, luck, prosperity, love, peace and harmony in life, home and offices. We deal in crystals in rough forms, tumbled, clustered or geodes, shaped (pyramid, spheres, towers), figurines (angels, gods, goddess, etc.) jewellery (crystal pendants, crystal beads, necklace, bracelets, rings, earrings). We stock over 1000+ products and our site provide extensive information on minerals, stone types, chakras, holistic healing to tie everything together and much more! We have one of the largest selections of products online and can source gemstone and mineral products on request. We endeavor to bring the best of the quality for our customers.

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